Please Join My LUUUX

Monday, February 6, 2012

What is LUUUX?

A lot of people wonder, "what is LUUUX?" "is LUUUX a scam?" "How can you get prizes?" etc. well, as a user, I can tell you it is 100% not a scam.

I first heard of it through MakeupByMel on youtube and joined for the hell of it. I started using it and got really, really into it. It took me about four months, but I gained enough points for the Wii ( I wanted something to watch my Netflix on other than my computer).

How it works:
You regester, fill out all your info and automatically receive 500 pts.
For every post, as long as you have it set to go to twitter and facebook as well, and add shoplinks, you get 12 pts (limit 10 per day-extras wilnot receive full points, only points for shoplinks and shares).
You get one point for every comment on your post.
You get one point for every comment you post on another post and one point for post you rate with a limit of 50 each per day.

Ever 55 LUUUX$ you gain is equivalent to $1 USD (as of the current conversion). It seems like nothing but it really adds up.

If interested, Please join through here:

i would really appreciate the points.


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